One great irony of life is that people find it so easy to spend money and yet, they find it doubly hard to save money.

Almost 80% of the consumers, according to some surveys, tend to spend their money easily and find it hard to save even just 10% of their income or any amount of their earnings. They always insist that they have more expenses than they can handle; that is why it is so hard for them to really create a hefty amount for savings.

What people do not know is that they can easily save more money even on their daily expenses if they just know how to do it.

The point is that if they were really wise consumers, they would definitely take advantage of freebies and discount items that can absolutely cut their expenses almost in half.

One of the best examples is the utilization of money saving coupons.

The problem is that many people are still not aware of the benefits that money saving coupons can give. They contend that these freebies just offer such a little amount of money and that they can be better off without it.

Therefore, for those who are not yet fully aware of the benefits they can derive from these money saving coupons and what they can do in order to save more money, here is a list of some of tips on how to use these coupons for a cause:

1. Look for the right places

If you are not yet aware of the right places where you can get excellent money saving coupons, try to look in your local newspaper, especially the Sunday editions. It’s one of the best places where you can get discount coupons.

Usually, different establishments provide discount coupons to entice consumers to buy their products. That’s why they use the paper to distribute their freebies.

2. Shop online

Online businesses also provide money saving coupons. What people do not know is that online discount coupons provide more money saving percentage than what the newspapers can give.

Best of all, it is so easy to accumulate discount coupons. All you have to do is to sign up for the online business and you can easily get some of their freebies.

3. Coupons are great money savers

The very advantage of money saving coupons is that they can cut your bill to almost 50%.

Indeed, using money saving coupons can definitely save you more money than what you have expected. So, for those who do not know this yet, try to cut more coupons and start saving.

College students or would be college students looking at the possibilities distance learning programs offer will soon find out the opportunities are many. These programs have come a long way in a very short time. Where there once were only a few choices in the distance learning arena, there are now many.

Students seeking out distance learning programs should be certain the schools and universities they deal with have their proper accreditation. This is becoming much easier...

distance learning

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College students or would be college students looking at the possibilities distance learning programs offer will soon find out the opportunities are many. These programs have come a long way in a very short time. Where there once were only a few choices in the distance learning arena, there are now many.

Students seeking out distance learning programs should be certain the schools and universities they deal with have their proper accreditation. This is becoming much easier to achieve as more state universities and well known private institutions bring their brand of learning online. Still, it's wise to check. It is also advised to make sure the individual degree program is accredited. A university might have accreditation, but its school of journalism, for example, might not.

Anyone looking at these programs will soon find it is now possible to earn any level of degree offered at institutions of higher learning. Programs common in distance learning include:

* Certifications. This is sort of the bread and butter of distance learning programs. Certification classes are common for almost every field imaginable. When there is a need to take a certain class for continued employment requirements or to open up doors for a new job, certification programs can generally be found to meet the needs. These range from medical classes and law enforcement certifications to computer science, education and beyond.

* Associates degrees. The variety of these "entry level" degrees available online from accredited schools is pretty amazing. Everything from computers and business to general study and beyond can be found. These degrees often work well for landing employment and they can also be fantastic stepping stones for advancing onto higher level degree programs.

* Bachelors programs. The variety of programs tends to narrow a bit by this level of degree program, but not much. The truth is many programs offered in person can now be found online. From criminal justice and education to computer science, business administration and even psychology, it is possible to find very good bachelor level distance learning programs.

* Doctorates degrees. Here is where the field really narrows. The most common doctorates programs offered online center on the business and finance fields. Other choices do exist, but with these programs, it is particularly vital to ensure accreditation is in order.

The types of distance learning programs available online will vary with each institution offering them. Some schools provide their full course schedule online; others only offer select programs.

When these programs are selected, it is important for students to check into accreditation and also to be prepared for some work. While the classes do take place online, they are real college-level classes. This means reading, and a lot of it. It also means tests, reports, research and more.

Distance learning programs can open doors for all manner of degree programs. Whether a student is seeking certification in a particular area or they want to go on for a doctorates degree, many programs can be found online, making it easier for students to obtain the education they desire.

Choosing a golf ball could be tricky, if you choose the ball used by Tiger Woods, it is not necessary that you can have the same handicap that he does. The choice has to be made as per you game style. The wrong ball could give you bigger handicaps and the right ball could make you feel like a champion.

choose golf ball, choosing golf ball

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The earliest golf balls have been traced to late 18th century and were made of wood in Scotland. They were very susceptible to the elements and ended up with cracks. Early 19th century saw the advent of the feathery ball, made of leather and stuffed tight with feathers. This ball became very popular until the "guttie" made its entry, made of solid gutta-percha rubber.

It was more durable and had stronger resistance to the elements. A lot of science has gone into designing a modern golf ball since and today's golf balls are a scientific combination of chemicals and polymers making it accurately fly farther.

Golf Balls today are of three kinds - two-piece, three-piece and high performance. The two-piece ball is made of a solid core and cover and offers better distance with slow swing, while the three-piece ball is made of solid core, wound with elastic and then covered, offering more control. High performance balls are for accuracy.

The two-piece balls are designed for beginners and the other varieties are fro advanced golfers. The cover is generally made of Surlyn or Balata. Surlyn is more durable and strong whereas Balata is softer and provides better grip and control with spin. Balata is preferred by most golfers. Two-piece balls are cheaper and highly available. Three-piece and high performance balls are very expensive and designed for professionals and advanced players.

Choosing a golf ball could be tricky, if you choose the ball used by Tiger Woods, it is not necessary that you can have the same handicap that he does. The choice has to be made as per you game style. The wrong ball could give you bigger handicaps and the right ball could make you feel like a champion.

Choosing a golf ball will depend upon your swing and style of play. If you are still confused, you can try each of the varieties for some days at a time and compare the results.

Similar to choosing your golf clubs, choose the golf ball that suits your swing and game so as to eliminate weaknesses and build upon your strengths. Never go by brands, brands are secondary to performance and suitability. Make sure you like a golf ball because it betters your play, not because it was made by Nike or Yonex.

Finally, do not fall for personalized and logo golf balls, they are just temptations.

The iPod video is known as the last generation of iPods, which surprised the market and the sales since its appearance. Basically, this new device is able to play videos. If this seems like fun, the technical part might need some guidance.
Firstly, you should know that both the PSP and iPod can play H.264 / MPEG-4 encoded videos with AAC audio tracks. Due to this fact, the resolution is rather limited, together with the limitation of the bit rates that you can use on the device. For the new iPod video, this limits means (for the H.264 video) up to up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240 and 30 frames per second. For the MPEG-4 video, the limits are up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480 and the same 30 frames per second. Even more, the AAC audio bit rate is around 160 Kbps. After establishing these limits, the next step is to establish the source of the video, which can be either from a DVD or a video of the computer.
In other terms, the company Apple claims, in a purely informative ad which is posted on the official website, that the new iPod, as they call the new iPod video, can store 15, 000 songs, 25, 000 photos and not less than 150 hours of video.
If wanting to get a video from a DVD, then the first thing you should do is to insert the DVD in the device. After this, you should open (in case it doesn’t immediately open by itself) the DVD, using file and open DVD from the menu. Check the options in the DVD menu, to set up everything as you like, meaning language, subtitles or chapters. Begin playing the movie, using the DVD menu to navigate. When the movie begins, you should press the record button and select the folder in which you want to store the recorded files. When you want to end the recording, simply click the stop button and if the recording goes well, there will be a screen confirmation that you have converted your file successfully.
If you wish to convert a video from your computer to your iPod video, then the first thing that you should do is go to the menu file and click open video file. After this, your video is supposed to begin to play, the perfect moment to adjust the video as you like. Also, you can set the perfect moment to start the recording, using the bottom playback controls. When you decided this, click the button record and feel free to stop it at any time. After recording, just like in the case of importing videos from a DVD device, there will be a message on the screen saying that everything went on successfully.
If respecting these basic rules, the videos and movies will be stored carefully in your iPod and you will be free to watch them, at any time. Still, be aware of the fact that the iPod offers limited space and resolution, which means that you should be picky when deciding what to keep and what to delete. The new iPod video is a challenging and innovative product that combines music with images, offering, for the first time, the possibility of playing video on such a small digital device.

A compulsive gambler is a person who is not able to resist the urge to gamble. The compulsiveness leads to severe personal and social consequences. The desire to gamble becomes so difficult to control that stress can only be calmed by gambling more.

1. Walks, Talks and Breathes Gambling.

The compulsive gambler preoccupies himself with gambling. He tells story of previous experiences. The compulsive gambler often discuss with anybody willing to listen, his new schemes or next winning strategy.

2. More, more and more.

The compulsive gambler finds himself gambling more and more money. In most cases he is not gambling for a bigger prize but for an increased thrill or excitement. The time he spends gambling usually lasts longer than planned.

3. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.

The compulsive has repeatedly been unable to curb his gambling. Worse, he becomes irritable and restless when attempting to cut back or stop altogether. Unfortunately, gambling is a way of escaping or relieving his problems.

4. Lies, lies and more lies.

The compulsive gambler starts lying to family and friends in order to hide his habit. But lies and brags about winnings. He denies having a problem when confronted. Often becomes angry if the issue is pursued. The lies start to become a way of life for the compulsive gambler.

5. Show me the money.

He starts depending on others to help in dire financial situations. He often borrows from family and friends to support his increasingly worsening problem. Mortgages and loans are refinanced. Life insurance is cashed in, as well as his 401k. The gambler may then start committing fraud and theft to finance gambling.

6. Self Destructing

Career is jeopardized or relationships with loved ones and friends are eroding. There is a tremendous amount of shame and remorse felt after gambling. Will consider or attempt suicide due to extreme helplessness of situation.

7. Losing control.

A shift in personality often happens to the compulsive gambler. He starts being manipulative, irritable, argumentative, critical, and controlling. The compulsive gambler starts losing interest in his regular activities and hobbies. Then makes poor excuses or evades questions of his whereabouts. Often withdraws from love ones and friends. Sees gambling as a way to cope and deal with his problems.

8. No Sense of time.

The compulsive gambler begins gambling to celebrate and in crisis. He starts spending his time gambling on holidays and special events.

Prevention is difficult and will not always be likely. Counseling may help people who are more susceptible to compulsive gambling. People who know of relatives that are compulsive gambler might be at risk and must be especially wary.

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